What a life!


Hai suma... Sorry sesgt coz dh lma x update anything here... Life has been hectic like hell these days... I'm like lost in the galaxy without any support... How am i going to put into words pun aku x tau... Tgk... Cakap pun dh cam rojak... Haiz...

My mind is playing empty without any thoughts to think about... Or maybe its playing dead coz its already damn tired to think... Got like gazzilions of things lingering in my mind... Crashing into each other as if couldn't wait to be solved... Solved? Yup... My minds are totally full of problems... Never ending problems which i don't even notice where it came from or since when... I've been trying my very best to figure things out... Last2, aku jd blur & x tau nk pikir apa... I really truly need time to be away from everything... I just can't find the rite time to do it... With the work yg semakin ari overloading, aku pun x tau aku sakit ke, pnat ke, pening atau lapar... My nites are only fill with maximum of 4 hours sleep... Which i think is definitely enough to recharge my body for the next day... Ntah lh... Tido aku dh x pnah nyenyak... Nk tido pikir, bgn tido pikir... Pening sudah wehhh... Tp tu lh... Selg aku mampu, aku trus kn jgk hidup ni kan...

Work... Oh dear... Can't even explain how i'm struggling to survive in this game... A game where u really need to protect urself without any help form others... A game which can kill u if u make the wrong move... Sntiasa kna berjga2 dan peka dgn keadaan sekeliling... Once u make a mistake, it'll be a big blast for the rest of the day... Ya Allah... Aku sgt2 lelah dan lesu dgn keadaan skrg... I want to option myself out from the game but i need to find a better place to jump into... Its not that easy to move on to another strange unknown place... X tau lh... Hnya masa yg akan tntukan sgala nya... Aku cuma mohon Dia kuat kn semangat aku dan tabah kn ati aku utk hadapi semua nya...

Anything else is pretty much the same... My life, my routine, my everything... Friends, family... Love ones? Can't say that yet... Haven't even think about it yet... Mn yg ada, tima kasih coz jd teman, sahabat, kawan aku... Selg kamu2 suma sudi memahami diri ini, i'll give my best to be a better friend to all of u...

Aku sndri pun x tau apa yg aku luah kn kat sini... Suma kacau bilau, huru hara... Ketenangan jiwa dan hati dh bkn milik aku lg... Aku sgt2 runsing... Pusing.. Pening... Hahaha... Kekacauan otak sungguh... Abis, nk wat camne... Dh mmg cam tu... 

Anyway... Guess that's all for the moment... Wish me all the best and insyaALLAH, kita akan jmpa lg... Hehehe... Take care to everyone... Missing u all... 

Living Life Hard,

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